Ecdysteroids are a class of compounds that are structurally similar to androgens (polyhydroxylated ketosteroids with different tails). They’ve been investigated extensively as plant and insect growth stimulants, and their name (ecdy-) comes from the ecdysis (molting) process in insects.
Ecdysterone, ecdysterone, turkesterone, and 20-hydroxyecdysone are some of the most well-known ecdysteroids. These four are the most commonly investigated, however each ecdysteroid has similar general features, but with modest differences in potency and effects. The most anabolic appears to be turkesterone.
When taken orally, they have biological effects in mammals, and some studies have described them as “behaving similarly to anabolic steroids putatively without the androgenic impact.” Their safety profiles are far superior to anabolic androgenic steroids due to their absence of androgenicity.
Furthermore, they appear to have a wide range of positive side effects that are considered beneficial. Ecdysteroids have been shown to lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels, increase protein synthesis rates in the liver and intestines, and may protect neural tissue.
There are currently no human trials available, however intriguing evidence is available from in vitro research on human muscle fibers as well as a variety of animal models that reveal increased growth rates when ecdysteroids are consumed.
Ecdysterone and its plant sources appear to have dose-dependent hypoglycemic effects. It’s unclear which dose is effective in humans for athletics. In one trial, 60 mg daily was shown to be unsuccessful, though it was proven to be safe over an 8-week period. Short-term use may be the most appropriate strategy due to long-term safety concerns and a lack of long-term testing.
It is just a legal supplement currently not a PED as it is not currently banned by WADA or in competitions. This is subject to future change, always check up to date information online for updates.